The answer is “Leave a Sample”. What does it mean? It means we can leave a sample of Knowledge about something and later our descendants will be able to understand how it works. That is why small kids break toys, but they do not break the toys for the sake of break them but rather to understand – to get Knowledge from the samples of the world – Wisdom KID®.
You can put Knowledge into the computers, books or at stones but wind and water destroy the stones, sun and fire burns the books, pandemic may kill people who understand computers, etc. For example, Rosetta Stone, Great Pyramids, etc.
But how to transfer the Knowledge then? The answer is “Leave alive Sample”. What does it mean? It means that this Sample should be able to reproduce itself in the same or in a better way. For example, a planet with plants, animals, etc. Yes, it may take much time to Reverse Engineering Knowledge from the Sample(s), but time does not make any sense without life.
You are business stakeholder or consultant or architect and would like to understand business better and discover more details, define capability model and design operating model. We, like a Wisdom KID®, will help you to Reverse Engineering required Knowledge and get Wisdom for your business by using Sacred Geometry.
Sacred Geometry helps to Reverse Engineering Knowledge about the Universe, the World and your business.
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